Monday, June 9, 2008

Now Entering Year 3

Last month Eric and I celebrated our second anniversary by staying at a Bed & Breakfast in Harrodsburg, KY. If you don't know where Harrodsburg, it's okay. I didn't either. But what's important to know is that they have a drive-in movie theater. I didn't even know these still existed!

We spent part of the day in their downtown area. There weren't many shops, and most of them were closed, but we had a good time anyway.


Since there wasn't much to see in town, we headed north a ways to Shaker Village. It was refreshing to spend an afternoon around farm animals, open fields, and fresh air - the city life is not conducive to such pleasures...

Up close and personal:

This lady gave a presentation in the Shakers' old church building. She explained about their worship and even sang a few of their songs. One of the songs included these words:

Come life, Shaker life, Come life Eternal,
Shake, shake out of me, All that is carnal.

While singing these phrases over and over, the Shakers would literally shake and dance as a physical display of dispelling "all that is carnal" from them.

And finally, this guy is the reason for the trip. The first two years have been a blast, and here's to many more years together. I love him. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have a drive-in here in Paris! And there is one it Winchester.

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About Me

Married since 2006 to the best husband in the world. Living in Louisville so he can finish his seminary degree. Hopefully we will return home to St. Louis in 2009. // Full-time job: Secretary // Dream job: Stay-at-home wife and mother, Photographer